Haugen Centre


The Haugen Centre

Seniorhome was retained to assist in the formation and development initiatives of a new non-profit society in a small town in BC.  The proponents had been granted the right to take ownership of a decommissioned hospital building and surrounding lands, provided that a feasible re-use proposal involving seniors’ rental housing was formulated.  Seniorhome managed:

  • Building assessment and remediation studies;
  • Land purchase contract with Regional Health Authority;
  • Design team selection, design development, municipal approvals, preliminary marketing, and financing applications;
  • Cooperating with the Mayor’s Office in local promotion and public relations;
  • Board development and governance leadership within the new society;
  • Liaison with existing service providers in the town and region;
  • Market and development feasibility studies;
  • Development, construction, and operations budget development, staffing and program design, and operating program design for private pay, non-profit rental supported independent living;
  • Preparation and issuance of a request for proposals to private development, construction, and operating partners;
  • Arrangement of Seed and Proposal Development funding grants and loans.